July 20, 2009


Last Monday I celebrated my 33rd birthday. It was a really great day. My mom took me out to lunch, and we did a little shopping. Then that evening Josh and I went out. I loved having a break from the regular routine. I also got some really great gifts. Sophia got me multi flavored pop rocks and A&W root beer flavored jelly beans which she totally enjoyed.
This morning while I was laying Jonah down for his morning nap Jack was applying lotion to himself, Elmo, and a cleaning sponge.


Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

I want to try those jelly beans...they sound great. It was nice of her to think of you-lol

Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

happy belated birthday

Arah Debra said...

Happy belated birthday! I forget your older than me. You look so young :)

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! It sounds like you had a great day. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Sophia is a great shopper. I'm glad she enjoyed her gift to you, that kept on giving. Hillarious.

Cute picture of the family. Where was Jack? Maybe he was in time out for some reason . . . ?

You don't look 33!


sladefamilyaz said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday!

Anonymous said...

let me get some lotion on your bumcrack buddy then you and I can play hide the sausage, DAMN you would be nice n tight